"Providing Excellence in Tennis since 1976"
Wappingers Falls, NY
(845) 297 - 4086
14th Annual Cross Court Summer Championship Tournament
AUGUST 23-25, 2019
Cross Court Tennis Club- Wappingers Falls, NY (845) 297-4086
Men's Open Singles/Doubles
Men's/Women's 3.0 Singles
Men's/Women's 3.0 Doubles
Men's/Women's 3.5 Singles
Men's/Women's 3.5 Doubles
Men's/Women's 4.0 Singles
Men's/Women's 4.0 Doubles
Mixed 6.0 Doubles
Mixed 7.0 Doubles
Mixed 8.0 Doubles
The Cross Court Summer Championships are back for its 14th year! The tournament will be held the weekend of August 23-25th, running as long as needed (and possibly Friday night if draws are big enough). You must be a standing member of the USTA (this is a ranked USTA tournament).
Entries are currently being accepted and will close at 1PM on Monday, August 19th. You can enter online through TennisLink (ID# 100542719). If playing singles, choose the event you would like. IF PLAYING SINGLES, YOU CAN PLAY A DOUBLES DRAW FOR FREE!!! If playing the free doubles, DO NOT choose that through TennisLink or you could be charged extra. Email Adam Rubin at Cross Court (adam.rubin@hotmail.com) with your choice of doubles and your partner. Remember online will charge you an extra processing fee of $3.88 for singles and $3 per doubles player. You can also chose to enroll (and save the processing fees) by clicking the icon at the bottom of the page, filling out the form and mailing to Cross Court Tennis Club, 204 New Hackensack Road, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590.
Entry Fees:
Singles: $45 (48.88 online) per draw
Doubles $50 ($28/person online) per team
Note: If entering any singles draw, you can also play in a doubles draw for FREE. If entering TWO singles draws, it is $45 per draw. If ONLY playing doubles, it is $25 per person. Checks can be made payable to Cross Court Tennis Club.
Match Scheduling/Draws/Rain:
Start times will be available on Wednesday, August 21st after 6PM. Please call for your start times or check the tournament website. In the case of rain, we will use our indoor courts and may be forced to play no-ad scoring to ensure all matches are completed in a timely manner. Trophies will be given to the winners of each division.
Lastly, we encourage all entrants to stay around even after they are out (also during) for pick-up matches (if courts are open), use of the pool and all-around comaraderie!
Sign up today! For additional information, email Adam Rubin (adam.rubin@hotmail.com) or call Cross Court at
(845) 297-4086