"Providing Excellence in Tennis since 1976"
Wappingers Falls, NY
(845) 297 - 4086

Did you Know ?
Cross Court- A Special Place
A letter from Cross Court Owner Lou Dimock
We have a great club, great staff and great members. Thank you all for being a part of it.
We wish to clarify the reasons why we are more expensive than our competitors. In just eight years, we have invested over 1.2 million dollars back into your facility so that you enjoy your lesiure time at the BEST TENNIS FACILITY. We installed tournament level lighting, built 8 new asphalt outdoor courts with a cushion coating to soften the game on our bodies, recoated all 14 courts, installed two new court heaters which produce 800,000 BTU's, rebuilt bathrooms and shower rooms, rebuilt front desk area, expanded parking lots behind the barn for event parking, and upgraded parking lot lighting.
Cross Court has always assumed that everyone appreciates bright lights, beautiful summer courts, excellent playing surfaces, a warm building in winter, well-maintained bathrooms and showers, viewing areas, and subsidized refreshments. Now include a long-term caring staff that cares about your improvement from year to year, combined with a variety of clinics that have a very liberal make-up policy. Now top it off with no summer court fees indoor or outdoor and 7 mixers a week. One can only perceive Cross Court as a BEST VALUE. One can end this paragraph with three additional questions. Does any other club provide towel service? Does any other club have ball machines on all six indoor courts? Does any other club provide premium new tennis balls with club leagues and activities? The answers are no, no, no.
Cross Court can't compete with any other facility that does not offer the above qualities for your pleasure. We are a single sport facility generating revenue only from tennis. Your recreational time is special, and our goal is to maintain a sanctuary for tennis.
Thanks for playing tennis at Cross Court, your club. We are a very special tennis-only club......for your enjoyment.
Improvements Made.....
In the last eight years, Cross Court, unlike any other club in our area, has spent over 1.2 million dollars upgrading your tennis club for your pleasure. Here is the list:
1) Installed tournament-level lights...................$112,000
2) Built 8 new outdoor courts with cushion coating for shock absorption...................$800,000
3) Re-coated all 14 courts....................$105,000
4) Installed two new court heaters which produce 800,000 BTU's.........................$40,000
5) Rebuilt bathrooms, shower rooms and front desk area.....................$150,000
6) Expanded asphalt parking lots behind barn for event parking.....................$40,000
7) Upgraded parking lot lights....................$4,000
TOTAL: $1,251,000